Checkmk cmk2

Changeing Checkmk Dashboards directly in user Profile

In Checkmk it was always possible to change configuration also directly in the config files. But reading config files is not always the best solution in therms of Performance. Therefore, not only with 2.3 Checkmk started to cache and optimize that.

So you find yourself maybe in your Checkmk 2.3 Installation wanting to change your dashboard in


But you will see that nothing in the Frontend will change. This is because of these Caches.
What you need to do, it’s to delete it. So just delete the following two files:

  • ~/tmp/check_mk/pickled_files_cache/var/check_mk/web/USERNAME/
  • ~/tmp/check_mk/visuals_cache/cached_dashboards

After that, the from your profile folder will be read in again.